all the greatness
its perfect to me.
has all the right to be called "energy remix"
it sure got me bouncing. lol
Only thing was that the snare wasnt too clear to me but ill accept it. :]
all the greatness
its perfect to me.
has all the right to be called "energy remix"
it sure got me bouncing. lol
Only thing was that the snare wasnt too clear to me but ill accept it. :]
yeah i noticed the snare thing like 2 days ago.
i wish i coudl fix it and resubmit, but you can only submit a song once and nor fix it.
also i think the base might be a little weak.
i play this song when i am tired and need to stay alert
im gonna reviw as i listen.
good start
not likeing the bass in the song
the bass is powering over the melody
i think you should change the melody instrument unless you can mix it with soumething else to make it have an intersting efect.
yeah bass is still powering over and sometimes i hear it powering over too much.
interesting call ind answer instruments between phantom and christine
i now hear background musics drowning out the melody at the change
suddenly i hear the melody too loud drowning everything
i love the instrument youre using to end this for christines voice
i love the fact that youre getting louder towards the end.
bass again is powering over too much.
well now i finished it.
its great.
not much of techno tho.
definitely not a techno.
i dont get the techno feel.
the big problems to the song are:
-bass most of the time is louder than the melody
-distribution of volume between the different instruments ex: non important instruments is too loud most of the time
i hope this helps out a bit.
yeah you are correct.
i realized i uploaded the wron version. (this was my test version.
i will take what said into account and modify my good one then post a second version with fixes.
thanks for some good constructive critisism.
i have no idea what went on the percussion.
and i have no idea what that one thing is. the thing that sounds like people are talking.
i also think this was way too fast and normally i like fast paced songs.
are you sure you reviewed the correct song?
the is only guitars, bass and drums in this thing.
and it is a thrash song, the drums are exactly based on my old drummer (when i was in a punk band) except the whole song is faster than we would normally play.
oops! crap. that comment left on Litino Casino was ment to be left here. sorry.
but anyways like i said. Its uberly awesome!
Lol, yeah, I've had a couple people do that, so don't worry, you're not the 1st.
-Thanks again!
omg yes! my favorite instrument mixed in techno. :D that makes me uberly happy.
on top of that the song is excellent!
i love it.
the beginning...the first thing that came to mind was FF7 when you battle...Jenova? at the end of the game.
anywho i really like the song.
thanks, i've never played any of the FF games for ps2, i don't have one :( but yeah, thanks.
too bad this is your last one. im fairly new to newgrounds and this is the first one of your songs that im listenin to and this is great.
Maybe you should listen ot more of my songs :P
Not being able to listen to music is like not being able to live. All music start with a note :]
Age 36, Male
Everything Arts
Torrance, CA
Joined on 2/10/06