im gonna reviw as i listen.
good start
not likeing the bass in the song
the bass is powering over the melody
i think you should change the melody instrument unless you can mix it with soumething else to make it have an intersting efect.
yeah bass is still powering over and sometimes i hear it powering over too much.
interesting call ind answer instruments between phantom and christine
i now hear background musics drowning out the melody at the change
suddenly i hear the melody too loud drowning everything
i love the instrument youre using to end this for christines voice
i love the fact that youre getting louder towards the end.
bass again is powering over too much.
well now i finished it.
its great.
not much of techno tho.
definitely not a techno.
i dont get the techno feel.
the big problems to the song are:
-bass most of the time is louder than the melody
-distribution of volume between the different instruments ex: non important instruments is too loud most of the time
i hope this helps out a bit.